The Organisation
The Austrian Construction Materials Recycling Association (Österreichischer Baustoff-Recycling Verband, BRV) acts nationwide and across industrial sectors. This is ensured by an appropriately constituted Management Board. Meetings are held at intervals of two to three months, presided over by the President of the Association, Dipl.-Ing. Mag. Thomas Kasper, and implementing the agenda adopted by the general assembly. Specialized working parties consisting of company experts and external professionals are created for the rapid solution of any problems threatening.
The office of the BRV is located in Vienna and is headed by the General Manager, Dipl.-Ing. Martin Car. He is supported in his work by Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Tristan Tallafuss, Patricia Gruber and Stefan Premrou, who are dealing with inquiries, public relations work and mailings, for instance.
The Association
The Association was established in 1990 by 14 enterprises. It is a voluntary association of recycling companies and represents the interests of the construction material recycling industry. The number of its members has since increased to 60 and the number of plants for the recycling of construction material throughout the territory is also growing fast.
The Mission
The Association envisions itself as a contact for private and public customers/federal authorities, provinces, municipalities, special associations and the Life Ministry in the matter of construction material recycling.
Membership is open to:
- Enterprises producing recycling construction material or acting in the area of separation, sorting and reuse of recycled construction material;
- legal representatives of the construction industry;
- other legal and natural persona willing to encourage the objectives and purposes of the Association through associate membership.
To customers:
We advise on questions of tendering and the use of recycled construction material. The sorting of demolition material and the use of recycled material indicate not only environmental awareness but also compliance with the law. We keep a list of collection and selling prices for construction material recycling, where you can keep yourself informed about the market and the current prices within the federal provinces and enterprises. The ordinance on the separation of residual materials from construction work holds the principal liable – with appropriate tenders you can press ahead with your building project in an ecologically acceptable manner and with quality construction material.
To recycling enterprises:
We represent your interests: we promote the relevant research projects, play an active part and act in matters of plant approvals and endeavour to safeguard the interests of construction material recycling enterprises in environmental legislation. We keep an updated catalogue of companies and plants to be able to inform principals about the closest possibility for recycling. As a member of the Austrian Recycled Construction Materials Quality Insurance Association (ÖGSV) you can provide your recycled construction materials with a quality label.
Advantages for members of the BRV
- Inclusion of your enterprise in the list of construction material recycling plants, Austria’s only recycling plant register
- Inclusion of your price list in our list of collection/selling prices
- The opportunity to become a member of the Österreichischer Güteschutzverband Recycling-Baustoffe (ÖGSV, the Austrian Recycled Construction Materials Quality Insurance Association) and the quality label for your recycled construction material.
- Free-of-charge fact sheets, information material and advertising brochures
- Inclusion of your enterprise on the web site of the BRV
- A free home page of your enterprise within the scope of the BRV web site
- Receipt of documents which are available to members exclusively (such as pictured ranges of recycled construction materials for advertising purposes, periodical circular letters of the BRV, …)
- Exclusive access to information updated daily (internal area of the BRV web site)
- Preference within the framework of fairs and exhibitions organized by the BRV
- The opportunity to present your company brochures on exhibitions stands of the BRV (e.g. Concrete Day, events with members of the provincial governments, various fairs)
Quality label
An enterprise certified with the quality label for recycled construction material must submit to regular revisions in order to document the maintenance of the quality standards. Twice a year a laboratory which the holder of the quality label can choose from the list of officially certified laboratories of the ÖGSV has to carry out the external control. In addition internal controls have to be conducted by the company itself, their scope depending on their output. The method and extent of the tests are regulated exactly by the guidelines for recycled construction material issued by the ÖGSV. This quality label is a recognized quality assurance system according to ALSAG (law for rehabilitation of contaminated sites).
The quality label for recycled construction material can be used on price lists or similar documents to signal to the customer the quality standard of the certified products. The recycled construction materials in Austria which are actually certified with the quality label can be found in the list of quality labelled recycled construction materials.
The quality label for recycled construction material
Insights into the Guidelines for Recycled Construction Materials